Guns and Gramaxone

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Based on police records from 1991-2000, the study shows that 68.2 per cent of the homicides perpetrated in Trinididad and Tobago during that period were by Afro-Trinidadians and that 79.2 per cent of the suicides were by Indo-Trinidadians.

[Source: Trinidad Express, April 23 2006]

Ooh. Softly, softly.

The study in question was conducted by one “Dr Gerard Hutchinson of the Mt Hope Psychiatric Unit.”

This is hugely interesting and massively political.

Continue reading Guns and Gramaxone

Roll It Gyal

If you are looking for condoms and don’t want to go to a pharmacy, you can pick one up at your favourite watering hole, club, barber shop, hairdressing salon …or even boutique.

A campaign by Population Services International (PSI) and its Caribbean affiliate, Society for Family Health (SFH), is making condoms widely available and accessible to all sexually-active people in T&T.

[Source: Laura Dowrich-Phillips in the Guardian, April 13 2006]

I’m floored.

Continue reading Roll It Gyal

Welcome to Trinidad

I know, I know. Listening to too much Damian Marley. But the construction is apposite – we are becoming more like Jamaica, daily.

Case in point:

Trinidad and Tobago has become more homicidal than Jamaica-while murders are decreasing there, the murder rate here is steadily on the rise…In 2005 Jamaica’s murder rate went up by 28.43 per cent compared with 2004 while Trinidad and Tobago’s homicide rate went up by 32.64 per cent for the same period.”

[Trinidad Express, April 10 2006]

Crime isn’t even the most obvious though. ‘Trini’ is increasingly becoming ‘Trinidadianised patois.’ Nah mean?

Continue reading Welcome to Trinidad

"we brandish words like rapiers"

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